Inner Test for Women in this Generation [#13943] [עברית: #13690]

July 23, 2021


1) Recently the Rav said that the immodest wigs of today are the “outer part of the challenge” for women in this generation. What then is the inner test for women in this generation?


To have emunah peshutah (simple, unquestioning faith in Hashem) and temimus (earnestness, remaining loyal to Hashem): To disconnect from the “50th level of tumah” (the internet) and to instead become connected to the 50th level of kedushah [which is essentially emunah peshutah and temimus], to reveal their intrinsic connection to Hashem.


2) In the last few years there have been issues revolving wigs for women: Possible issues of avodah zarah (idol worship) in the wigs that are manufactured today, the long and unrefined sheitels, and new-style sheitels called “lace-cap” which the Poskim have recently forbidden to wear. Is this all the concept of Keser d’Kelipah, the crown on the side of evil? Or are each of these a separate discussion?


It is all the same root. Idol worship (avodah zarah) is rooted in the chalal, the empty space in Creation which is devoid of Hashem’s infinite light, and that is where the 50th Gate of Impurity is rooted. It is essentially the heh-dair, the absence of G-dliness, which is manifest as an evil nature to present itself as the true Yeish/Existence that counters the true Yeish that is Hashem. That is the ideal of idol worship, a false version of Yeish/Existence which presents itself as the true Yeish/Existence and which nurses its vitality from the imprint of original infinite light that remained in the empty void.


3) Recently there are those who saying that there is possible idol worship in the sheitels (wigs) today that are coming from India. Do we need to indeed suspect that there is a problem of idol worship in the sheitels that are manufactured today or can we rely on most of the Poskim who aren’t forbidding them to be worn? I don’t know how to ask because there are those who are saying that this is still a reality which everyone is ignorant of, but I didn’t hear from any Posek that we should stay away from sheitels manufactured today.


It is known that R’ Elyashiv suspected an issue of avodah zarah in sheitels. I am not an expert in all of the developments taking place in the world of falsity of today.


4) There are signs saying that all the tragedies happening in the world today is because of the sheitels that women are wearing which contain avodah zarah, and the Gemara says that death comes to the world when there is avodah zarah (Talmud Bavli Avodah Zarah 3b). This is being quoted in the name of HaGaon R’ Moshe Shternbuch shlit”a. Is this connected with the Rav’s words that the root of all tragedies today is because of the “50th Gate of Impurity” that is everywhere, the Internet?


Refer to answer to question #1. It is the Keser d’kelipah, which nurses its vitality from the chalal ha-panuy, the “empty void” in Creation, the “absence” (of revealed infinite light, the absence of G-dliness), and which also gets its vitality from the imprint that from the original infinite light that remained in the empty space, which becomes turned into its own evil version of Yeish (Existence), declaring itself as the “true Yeish/Existence”, chas v’shalom.