October 17, 2021


I was reading material of the Rav and in middle of the reading I had the clear awareness of the spiritual world and that it is the true place and the true world, and that the reality in front of us on this world is not the true reality and that we are not living in the true reality. Then my heart was pounding quickly and I had to go to the hospital to check it out, and after some medication my heart stabilized. But there may have been other factors that may have caused this, because I know that the Rav says that people who remain with Internet won’t be by the Geulah and once I asked the Rav about what to tell people who don’t want to give up their Internet use and the Rav told me that I can’t say anything to people who don’t want to hear anything about this. As a result of that I cannot be relaxed at all, because I see my friends going to their eternal destruction chas v’shalom and I am helpless to stop it. (1) [Since I had irregular breathing and had to be hospitalized], do I need to do teshuvah? And if yes, how? (2) Can the Rav daven for me? My name is….


Strengthen yourself with the emunah (faith) that Hashem is running His world according to His understanding, as it were, and not according to the way we understand. We cannot comprehend logically all of the evil that is found in our world today, and all of the profound, encompassing knowledge that it involves. The possuk says, “Your faith at nights”. Only from pure and clear emunah can we be calmed and feel reliant on HaKadosh Baruch Hu that He is doing everything according to His infinite thoughts. Refuah shelaimah! (May you have a speedy recovery!)