The sefer Nefesh HaChaim explains that there are worlds above time and above the definitions of the Torah, which is a spiritual reality above our world and which does not apply to the world we live on, which is the world of action, where we must follow the Torah’s rules. It seems that the spiritual worlds that are above our world are only a reality that we can know about when we learn sefer Nefesh HaChaim, but when we close the sefer we’re back living on our world. My question is that there are tzaddikim, both who passed away and those who are currently living, who don’t align all their actions with the defining parameters of the Torah of the ‘world of action’ that we live on, and these tzaddikim live beyond time and space, and they don’t always keep ever aspect of halachah, especially with the example of not davening during zman Tefillah. I understand that these tzaddikim are very connected to these higher worlds but I don’t understand how they are able to ignore the reality of the world of action that we live on. Since they are tzaddikim, I want to understand their behavior.
Even when one is very attached in his soul to the higher worlds that are above time and space, he is never allowed to diverge from keeping halachah. However, there are some times where the tzaddikim rely on leniencies in halachah, in cases where most Poskim do not agree to a certain view and only very few existing opinions in the Poskim permit something, and, at a time of pressure [b’shaas d’chak] for the necessity of the light that was needed for their souls, these tzaddikim permitted certain views for themselves even where it wasn’t in accordance with the views of most opinions in the Poskim.