January 26, 2022


It is already more than half a year after I have been learning and practicing the avodah which the Rav describes in his meaningful sefarim and shiurim, which I greatly benefited from in my life. At first I was taking the approach described in the “Bilvavi” series of sefarim, and after this I continued to the approach of the “Da Es” series. I began from “Da Es Atzmecha” so that I could begin from the most elementary point possible. Before this, I had already been working on my middos for about 20 years. I also did an hour of hisbodedus every day and I spoke a lot with the Creator throughout the day. Currently I am taking the path of the “Da Es” series, for about 2 months already.
In the Da Es sefarim, the focus is not on the bond between oneself and the Creator. On one hand, I feel that it would be terrible to lose my bond with the Creator which I have merited to reach over the last few years. On the other hand, the approach of the “Da Es” series has been shining light on certain areas in my soul which needed repair, which I cannot ignore. For example, in Da Es Atzmecha, the Rav showed me that the will to give to others is a very necessary part of growth. However, the sefer Da Es Atzmecha doesn’t guide a person on how to include the Creator in this. So my question is: Should I continue this avodah of “giving” as usual, according to what I am learning in Da Es Atzmecha? Or should I use a different approach, as described in other sefarim of the Rav?


Continue what you are learning, at your gradual and fundamental pace. Correspondingly, you should also set aside a little time every day to speak with the Creator, simply and earnestly, about everything in your life. This should include praise, requests, and thanks, to the Creator. Include the Creator throughout all of your life, in general and in the specifics. Have simple conversations with Him throughout the day, simplistically and naturally. From this simplicity, you will go from place to place, throughout all the other areas of avodah.