How Do I Find My Rebbi? [#14126]

August 2, 2021


I have had very good Rebbeim in my life, all of them are brilliant Talmidei Chachomim and they know all about life too, but lately I feel like they don’t really understand me and I feel like I need to find a new Rebbi. But how? How do I find who my real Rebbi is supposed to be?


Connect to the one who is closest to your path [to your shoresh haneshamah].


Is a person today supposed to mainly connect to Hashem and he doesn’t need to be that busy with finding a Rebbi and getting guidance from a Rebbi, since we are in a generation where the “light of Mashiach” is shining, which is the power to connect directly to Hashem from within ourselves and without any intermediary?


A person needs to build and develop his soul, so that he will be stable, and along with this one needs to connect directly to Hashem [i.e. talking to Hashem], and along with this one also needs to connect to Hashem through having a rebbi – but not only through having a rebbi.