I Don’t Want Mashiach To Come Yet [#14177]

August 3, 2021


We always daven that Mashiach should come, but I don’t understand how this works out with the fact that a person still hasn’t yet reached his personal tikkun (soul repair). Throughout the year a person learns more and more Torah and further improves his middos, but if Mashiach would suddenly come today, a person hasn’t yet completed most of his task.


If a person wanted to fix his soul and then Mashiach comes and he still hasn’t yet done what he needs to do for his soul, he is considered to be the category of “One who thought of doing a mitzvah and then he was not able to do it”, which is considered as if he did the mitzvah. Here also it is considered as if he has fixed his entire soul (however, it is only on the level of “as if”).
Therefore, a person needs mesirus nefesh, to want that Mashiach should come now, for the purpose of revealing the Shechinah and for the benefit of Klal Yisrael, even though he prefers differently.