Roles of Mashiach ben Yosef & Mashiach Ben Dovid [#14192]

August 3, 2021


1) The Rav explained that the dispute between Yehudah and Yosef was really about which is a more important role: Mashiach ben Dovid (Yehudah), who will reveal the etzem (the essence of Hashem), or Mashiach ben Yosef (Yosef), who reveals tosefes, an added revelation of Hashem’s Presence. These are both revelations of the Ein Sof (the Infinite) so can the Rav please elaborate a bit on the difference between these two?


Etzem, or havayah (represented by Mashiach ben Yehudah) is to reveal the Ein Sof. The concept of tosefes (represented by Mashiach ben Yosef) is rooted in the “Ten Hidden Sefiros that are integrated in the Emanator”.


2) The Rav explained that Mashiach ben Yosef’s role is to gather everyone together while Mashiach ben Dovid’s role is to connect everyone to their root. This sounds like the same thing. Can the Rav elaborate a little more on what their different tasks are? And which of them is the more important one?


Mashiach ben Yosef’s role is to gather all the branches together. Mashiach ben Dovid’s role is to reveal havayah (the true reality). They each have a unique role that the other one will not have.


3) The purpose of Creation is to reveal Hashem’s infinite light upon the universe, in the way the Infinite Light was before Hashem contracted His light. Mashiach ben Dovid represents the ohr Ein Sof itself, the very havayah of Hashem, whereas Mashiach ben Yosef represents the tosefes, the addition, the additional adornment upon Hashem’s Infinite Light. The argument between the brothers was who was more important, the path of Yehudah (havayah, or the ohr EinSof) or the path of Yosef (this additional revelation upon the Infinite), and this was really an argument of whose path is more important, Mashiach ben Dovid or Mashiach ben Yosef? But what’s hard to understand is that everything was contained in Hashem’s Infinite Light already at the beginning of creation, before Hashem made the tzimtzum (contraction) in His light. How then can there be any addition upon Hashem’s infinite light, if everything was already there? And why is the purpose of Creation is to arrive at this additional adornment on Hashem’s Infinite Light, if it was already contained in Hashem’s all-inclusive Infinite Light before the tzimtzum?


Before the tzimtzum, the light of Mashiach ben Yosef (the tosefes, the additional adornment on Hashem’s infinite light) was only hidden very deep within Hashem’s Infinite Light, in a very concealed dimension. The purpose of Creation is to reveal this hidden dimension outward.