Lockdown In Eretz Yisrael [#14891]

August 24, 2021


1) Is there really a new wave of corona now or is it all a conspiracy?
2) If someone goes without a mask now is he committing an aveirah (sin)? Do we need to listen to the government’s regulations regarding corona, and if someone doesn’t listen is he doing an aveirah?
3) Was there any time in our history that was like the current period (and can we learn from anything from past history and apply it to our current situation)?
4) Is it true that there are really people trying to take over the world?
5) Does the rule of dina d’malchusa dina (the obligation of listening to a government’s laws) apply now in Israel with all the government’s laws about corona?
6) What is the way to go about the current period properly?


1) Partially yes (it is real) and partially it is not [it is just hype].
2) One should keep a distance from others out of respect for others. One should mainly be careful about social distancing.
3) Nothing can be drawn from past history regarding our current situation. It is ikvesa d’meshicha (the footsteps preceding Mashiach), and the end of the galus (exile).
4) Yes. But part of it is true, and part of it is not true.
5) The Brisker Rov already negated the concept of the Israeli government a long time ago, and said that it doesn’t have the status of malchus (government) which we are required to listen to.
6) The avodah of a person is now is to be alone with Hashem, and to form an internal bond with Hashem, from the depths of one’s neshamah!