Individual & Communal Response To COVID [#14903]

August 24, 2021


The dissension taking place in frum communities over the world now due to Covid, both in Eretz Yisrael and in America, is greatly disturbing. Without pointing fingers at anyone, chas v’shalom, what are we supposed to be thinking now, what is the teshuvah that we need to do, what should be our response to all of the recent events? What can each person do as an individual, to stop the Heavenly wrath against us? And, what can we do as a kehilah (community)?


It is upon us to realize that we are found in the depths of the galus, where darkness covers the earth. Almost everything now is covered in a darkness of confusion and the unknown. We need to be less involved with “what’s going on in the world”, and instead become more focused on our own self-development, on our family and those whom we are close with, and to awaken and reveal the inner point within us – to recognize it, connect to it, live with it, and activate it from its potential.
As a kehillah (on the communal level), we need to develop an approach in which people can become more involved with their internal world, by having regularly established shiurim on this subject, along with each person’s personal avodah.
To the extent that we succeed in doing the above, with siyata d’shmaya, we should expand this kind of movement, more and more, introducing this movement to wider and wider circles, and each person should try to do it according to his capabilities which Hashem has given him.