5G, Vaccines, and The Nano Chip Rumors [#14860]

August 24, 2021


1) There is a new technology being employed throughout the country called 5G which has been proven to be effective in killing people and for war purposes, and right now it is being employed to monitor civilians. Do we have to look at this as something that came from Hashem? And, is there some sin that we need to fix, so that this terrible decree will be removed from upon us?
2) There are plans of the government to force everyone to take a vaccine with a “Nano” chip. Is this all from HaKadosh Baruch Hu? And if it is, what is Hashem trying to hint us through all of this, so
2) There are also plans of the government to place these 5G chips into people’s bodies, without our knowledge. Is that also from HaKadosh Baruch Hu? And if it is, what is He hinting to us through all of this? What does He want us to do so that this decree will be removed from upon us?
3) The prime minister also recently informed the public that there are plans to place these chips under the skin of both children and adults. What does Hashem want us to do, so that this decree will be removed??


1) Our avodah now is to reach the “50th Gate of Holiness”, which is the power of mesirus nefesh (to give up our will for Hashem), and to have emunah and temimus (earnest faith in G-d), and, to become deeply connected with our minds to the holy Torah.
2) Do not think about the future of this [possibility].
3) The same answer as above.