Are We In The Final Sorting Process? [#14858]

August 24, 2021


From the recent derashos of the Rav about the new period of time which we have now entered, I have made the following summary of the main points which the Rav said recently. (1) In the times we are in, for the last couple of the years and especially now, we are in the midst of the “final sorting process”, where each person is being told, “Whoever is for Hashem, come to me.” Each Jew now has to decide if he will be loyal to Hashem, Klal Yisrael, and the Torah, or if he choose the Sitra Achra (the side of evil) chas v’shalom, by falling into the influences of the goyim, doing whatever’s convenient and comfortable, and running after taavos (desires) for This World. (2) The Internet is the stronghold of the tumah of the Erev Rav, and now that there is more usage of the Internet [due to everyone being quarantined at home] the “Erev Rav” has intensified. Now even Kolel men, who have never had Internet in their homes before, have had to bring Internet into their homes so that they can have parnassah, and this was the success of the Sitra Achra which came about through this entire corona pandemic: To draw the bnei Torah into the heter to have Internet in their homes. (3) The final sorting process, then, is if a person today will choose the way for a Jew or the way of the Erev Rav. Through this final sorting process, it will be discovered who belongs to the Jewish people and who belongs (or who has fallen) to the Erev Rav. (4) Those who don’t withstand the test of the Internet now are those who will fall to the side of the Erev Rav (I understand this to mean that this is not that they are chas v’shalom actually part of the Erev Rav, but that they are falling into the “50th Gate of the Impurity” of the Erev Rav). (5) Those who don’t withstand this final test, if they don’t do teshuvah (meaning that they are not willing to be moser nefesh not to have Internet in their homes), they are in the category of reshaim and they will become the “dust under the feet of tzaddikim.” And those who are moser nefesh not to have Internet in their homes even if this will cause them to lose their parnassah are choosing truth and they are the tzaddikim of Klal Yisrael. (6) Those who fall Rachmana Litzlan in this final test, by bringing the Internet into their homes (especially now, where this final test is being faced by the bnei Torah as well, who are being faced with the nisayon of bringing Internet into the house because their wives need it for work, etc.), they are becoming connected to the “50th Gate of Impurity” of the tumah of the Internet, which is the tumah of the Erev Rav, which is the ‘point of no return’. Those who fall to the side of the Erev Rav (by falling into the nisayon of the Internet) will not be zocheh to the Geulah, chas v’shalom and Rachmana Litzlan.
1) Is it really true that those who don’t withstand the final test and fall to the side of the Erev Rav chas v’shalom have no tikkun, chas v’shalom, and they won’t merit the Geulah? Making the question stronger, someone remarked to me, “What’s so bad to become the ‘dust under the feet of tzaddikim’? In the end of the day it sounds like there is some level of tikkun even for those who become reshaim and aren’t moser nefesh…” So it seems that there is some “hope” even for those who don’t pass this final test…?


Through mesirus nefesh, it is possible to go out from the “50th Gate of Impurity”.
Also, we know from Navi that Hashem promised that in the final Redemption he will gather all Jews from every country to merit the Geulah, even those who are far from Torah, which includes every single member of Klal Yisrael. So even those who fall into the tumah of the Internet will still see the Geulah…?
A similar argument like this is mentioned in the beginning of sefer Mesillas Yesharim, who quotes the argument of those who are feeble-minded, who say that they don’t need to acquire spiritual growth or try to fulfill their life’s mission, because they are satisfied with any share in the World To Come. Refer to the answer given in sefer Mesillas Yesharim to see how this claim is refuted.
I also have a deeper question. The Rav explains in a derasha (about teshuvah on Yom Kippur) that even though there is no return for one who falls into the “50th Gate of Impurity”, if one accesses the “50th Level of Holiness” he can return even from the “50th Gate of Impurity”. So I want to know: What’s all the fuss about falling into the “50th Gate of Impurity” if, in the end, there will ultimately be a tikkun for souls of the Jewish people when the “50th Gate of Holiness” becomes revealed upon the world? (Of course, we need to do what Hashem wants and separate from the tumah of the Internet as much as possible, because it is our obligation and that is our avodah and that is what Hashem wants from us…) Much thanks to the Rav for everything.
It is possible to separate from it through mesirus nefesh and that is their tikkun, because the “50th Gate of Holiness” is the spiritual light of mesirus nefesh.