Can I Use Zoom To Complete School Studies? [#14839]

August 24, 2021


I’m in 10th grade and I’m in the middle of studying for exams. Because of coronavirus, my yeshiva started giving Torah classes on Gemara, Navi, etc. and also secular studies (math, literature, history, etc.) through the Internet. But I don’t want to use the Internet because I fell into viewing inappropriate sites and I don’t want to fall into the same mistake again. My father has a Nativ filter on his smartphone. Can I use “Zoom” to take all my classes which I need in order to complete all my secular studies? Because if I don’t join the classes, it will be very very hard for me next year, if I don’t take my classes now and I will have double the amount of classes to take next year. Also if I don’t complete the courses now then I will forget everything I learned this year and I will have to study it all over again in the coming year….


You should think about the purpose of your life and think about where you want to get to on This World and in the Next World. After you have thought about this well, look for a new environment for yourself which will be more conducive to your ruchniyus (spiritual development), which will help you reach your true aspirations in life.
This question that you have now is not just another question in your life which pertains to your situation at hand. It is a question about your entire life and about where you need to place yourself, and it is about how you need to place yourself in an atmosphere that will be good for you. That is where the answer to your question lays in.