Laptop & Email In The House [#14869]

August 24, 2021


Currently I don’t have a computer in my house but my daughters want me to have a computer in the house, without internet, for e-mail purposes only. Is there a problem with this?


There is a problem with e-mail because a person can still receive inappropriate material in his e-mails, a very commonplace occurrence nowadays, due to social media and other factors. Just having a laptop in the house poses a danger of having films and videos in the home, which opens up a person further into the world out there. Therefore, this needs to be thought about very carefully, and each case is different. How much of a need is there to have it in the house? And what are the particular needs and the particular level that the family is on? These areas are some of the factors which need to be thought about very well, before bringing a computer [even without internet] into the home.