Laptop With E-Mail and Video Capability Only [#14876]

August 24, 2021


I don’t have a laptop in the house but my children want it in the house so that they can have e-mail and also because they want to get video clips from their friends, etc. However even without Internet on it I would still be concerned about this. My children argue, “It’s normal today for people to have e-mail capability in the house so why should we be different??”
What does the Rav have to say about this…?


We are found amidst a very complicated situation!
As is known to the tzibbur which is called “Chareidi” today, there is first e-mail only in the house, which sometimes is first used only for Torah purposes, or other necessities, and this eventually leads to getting advertisements, then video clips, etc. This is how a person becomes strongly connected to the world out there. It is a powerful connection to the world at large, which uproots one’s own inner world, besides for causing one to waste time, and sometimes a person even receives e-mails and clips that contain words of lashon hora and other forbidden material.
But even more so, because of this, the entire way that the generation looks like has changed. It has caused people to get used to the habit of staring at visuals, a habit which is becoming more and more dominant in the last few years. Taking it further, people will send images and films to each other and others watch it – which means that men are viewing images and films of women, and vice versa. Gradually – or quickly – it has caused men to get used to this and deem it “permissible” to stare at images or films of women. And this extends, Rachmana Litzlan, to the viewing of filth and indecency for many people, who have gotten used to this habit of staring at immodest visuals. There are some who Rachmana Litzlan, because of this, have had all of the light in their neshamos extinguished. Many who have fallen into this habit seem to be Torah observant on the outside, but in their privacy they are viewing these inappropriate visuals and their souls have dried up within them. And all of this is besides for the problem of people owning totally un-kosher (unfiltered) smartphones. When people view clips sent to them through e-mail, this has brought many people, Rachmana Litzlan, to own even completely un-kosher (unfiltered) smartphones and who knows what the end of this will be.
In spite of this, gradually (or quickly!) even seminary girls think it’s totally permissible to have e-mail on their laptops, and to receive and send films and video clips with their friends. What have we come to???
May Hashem see how impoverished His nation is, and redeem us with His Mashiach, quickly, Amen and may this be His will.