The Inner Dimension of Giving Up Internet [#14884]

August 24, 2021


1) Is the nisayon with media use and Internet all the “war of Gog and Magog”?


2) And if it is, do we fight against this “Gog and Magog” through having mesirus nefesh, and is our mesirus nefesh to stay away from Internet essentially the very “light of Mashiach” that will obliterate Gog and Magog?
Yes! Very good.
3) How can we save all of our fellow Jewish brethren from the tumah of the 50th level of the Internet, which most people have sunken into and they don’t want to come out of it, and they simply don’t understand what it’s doing to their neshamos and how this is the thing that’s preventing them from Geulah and Olam HaBa….?
By revealing inner mesirus nefesh, the shaar HaNun d’kedushah (50th level of holiness) becomes illuminated upon the world.
4) I gave up all my Internet use, due to all of the inspiration I got from the Rav about the connection between coronavirus and media use. I feel an obligation to tell my story to others and publicizing my personal journey in the frum magazines, in the hope of helping others to give up their Internet use. Should I do this, or is this a private matter between me and Hashem and I should not be mixing in anyone else into my avodah of separating from internet?
It would be proper to do so. However, make sure all the time that this is not making you lose your connection to your own inner world.
Is it possible that those who Baruch Hashem came out of the tumah of Internet use were all meant to go through this as part of their various “journeys” that people go through in their life, in order to recognize this evil for what it is, so that they can help others come out of it, and in that way we can turn all of this darkness into light?
It can very well be.