Torah Websites [#14865]

August 24, 2021


Can it be said that Torah websites, especially Torah websites which contain articles about pnimiyus haTorah, are bringing the light of Elokus (G-dliness), the ohr EinSof (G-d’s infinite light), into the lowest and darkest realm, the tumah of the Internet? Can we say that such websites are bringing closer the purpose of Creation, which is to reveal Elokus, precisely in the lowest realm, where there is darkness and tumah? Is a Torah website like a “place of refuge above Gehinnom” (as it was said of the sons of Korach), where one can be saved from the Gehinnom of the Internet?


No. Although Elokus (G-dliness) can be revealed even in the lowliest placest, this does not make Internet is not a “place of refuge within Gehinnom”, because the Internet is an obscene zone which is open to every possible harmful influence [with no way to sift out the good parts from the bad parts].