October 8, 2021


(1) Why is it that only by the Chassidim there is such an emphasis on connecting to a tzaddik? Although the concept of connecting to a tzaddik had already been known before Chassidus, why is it so much more emphasized in Chassidus? And how does this relate to one’s personal avodas Hashem as an individual?


The emphasis [in Chassidus of connecting to a tzaddik] is because all shefa (sustenance from Above), whether spiritual or material, comes to the world by way of the tzaddik. That is why a prominent part of one’s life involves surrounding a tzaddik. Each one needs to find his way of how he connects to a tzaddik, and to find the tzaddik who is most appropriate to his personal shoresh neshamah - which means that he is a “branch” of that tzaddik’s neshamah.
(2) Is there a reason why the idea of connecting to tzaddikim is being so much more emphasized nowadays when we are in ikvesa d’meshicha?
Yes. It is one of the stages before the Geulah, which reveal the light/revelation of tikkun (spiritual repair), which is called “the new shem Ma”H (the 45-letter name of Hashem)”, also called the light of yesod, which is called tzaddik yesod olam (the tzaddik is the foundation of the world). The trait of yesod is also called the “sun”, the shemesh, from the term shimush chachamim, serving the wise tzaddikim. This [trait of yesod, via connecting to a tzaddik], is needed in order to counter all of the profound depravity that exists in our world today, which is on the level of the generation of the Flood, and even worse than that generation.(3) Though it’s certain that the words and teachings of the tzaddikim are eternal, what should we do if we don’t see tzaddikim today? Is our avodah different today since we can’t see those tzaddikim? Or do we need to continue looking for the true tzaddik on this world? Or should we just become connected to a tzaddik that has already left the world?
There is a possibility of becoming connected also with hidden tzaddikim. But even more so, there is currently a light shining in which a person can more easily attain a simple and direct bond with Hashem.