CHASSIDUS [#15621]

October 8, 2021


What are the classical sefarim of Chassidus which I should start learning? What are the different views on how to serve Hashem according to Chassidus? And how can I incorporate the teachings of Chassidus into psychiatric work on others?


Sefer Me’ohr Einayim and Sefer Me’ohr V’Shemesh are written in clear language and describe the basic feel of Chassidus. The intellectual aspects of Chassidus are elaborate upon at length in the sefarim of Chabad. If you are beginning to learn about Chassidus, it is recommended to start with sefer Chassidus HaMevueres.
Most of the sifrei Chassidus do not go in any order of avodas Hashem, and instead they are coming to explain the fundamentals of Chassidus, which are: d’veykus (being attached to Hashem), emunah peshutah (simple, uning faith in Hashem), temimus (earnestness), love of Hashem and fear of Hashem, simchah (joy, the holiness of Shabbos, the holiness of a tzaddik, raising sparks of holiness, the holiness of the Torah, maintaining the kedushah (holiness) of one’s yesod (guarding one’s personal holiness), and other fundamentals.
In order to incorporate the teachings of Chassidus into helping others, you would need a deep and expansive understanding of the secret, mystical parts of the Torah.