Mishneh Torah On Hoshanah Rabbah Night [#15636]

October 8, 2021


1) What is the benefit of hearing Mishneh Torah (sefer Devarim) on the night of Hoshanah Rabbah?


1) See Sefer Moshav Zekainim (Bamidbar 21:14) that reading the book of “wars of Hashem” which refers to sefer Devarim, which contains the victories of the Jewish people. 2) See also to Tosafos to Gittin 2a that “Mishnah Torah is not counted” as one of the sefarim of the Torah because it is entirely repetition of everything that was said in the first 4 books of the Torah. This would make Mishnah Torah on the level of Malchus which has nothing of its own.  3) It is a sefer which is entirely rebuke to Klal Yisrael. R’ Nosson of Breslov says that even though it is entirely rebuke, it is to show us that we should not despair from Hashem’s mercy. 4) Aderes Eliyahu (Gra) explains that it contains 995 pesukim. The Mekubalim said there are 995 Heavens, thus in each possuk Moshe said in Mishneh Torah he was opening another Heaven. 5) The Maharal says that Mishneh Torah is the Torah we receive, which needs explanation in order to understand, as opposed to the regular Torah. On a deeper level, there is Written Torah and the Oral Torah, and Mishneh Torah is the bridge between them.  6) The mitzvah of d’veykus is in Sefer Devarim. It was said in Arvos Moav, right before they entered into Eretz Yisrael, thus Sefer Devarim (Mishneh Torah) is the root of the level of Torah of Eretz Yisrael, whereas the other 4 sefarim of the Torah were said in the desert and they are on the level of the desert. 7) The Arizal says that Sefer Devarim corresponds to Malchus, which is the level of Hoshanah Rabbah. Another reason for Mishneh Torah on Hoshanah Rabbah night is mentioned by R’ Nosson of Bresslov. 8) There are 7 sefarim of the Torah, because Vayehi B’Nesoa Ha’Aron is counted as a separate sefer (see Maseches Sofrim 6:1), thus Sefer Devarim is the 7th sefer. And the king would read it at the end of every 7 years. [Hence Sefer Devarim is read on the 7th day of Succos].


2) Why does it have to be done before midnight?


The Arizal (Shaar HaKavanos, drushei Succos) says that at the first half of the night, we read sefer Devarim, and after that one should learn Avos.


4) What should a person be thinking about when he’s hearing Mishneh Torah? Is there something more to it than just a custom of hearing it?


Connect to the soul’s power of receiving (being mekabel).


5) Can I say the tikkun alone and learn alone if I learn better that way?


At least a little bit should be with the tzibbur, so that one shouldn’t separate from the tzibbur. The rest of the time can be spent on how you want it to be. It’s a fundamental question if a person should act on Kaballah matters even when he is not on the level.


6) Am I allowed to learn on Hoshanah Rabbah night instead of hearing Mishneh Torah?


Same answer as before – it depends on if one is obligated to do something according to Kabalah when he isn’t on the level to. However, if until now he did it, he needs hataras nadarim if he wants to forego his custom of Mishneh Torah.


7) What should I focus on the night of Hoshanah Rabbah?


See answer to #4.