October 8, 2021


Mashiach can come any moment, yet a person lives his day-to-day life as usual and there’s so much on his mind. In the past it was always true that we always had to await that Mashiach should come soon, but now we are right before greeting Mashiach. I’m not busy trying to make cheshbonos (calculations) of when he’s going to come, but it’s clear to everyone that he’s coming very soon. So what should be our mentality? This is something that has wide-ranging effects on so many areas of our life and it’s a very confusing topic. Also, deep down it makes us feel weak and drained because we can’t finish everything we’re supposed to be doing now since we are living in such a problematic period of time, in which it was foretold that many troubles and changes will happen to the whole world. So how can we manage throughout all of this and maintain our growth?


We cannot know when Mashiach is coming, and we hope, await and yearn for him to come today!!! But chas v’shalom his arrival can be prevented for days, weeks, months and even years…Therefore we should not “change” our way of living because of this. “It is not upon you to complete the task” – whatever you don’t finish, Hashem will complete it for you.