Happiness In Shaky Times [#15680]

October 9, 2021


Ever since corona started we discovered the Rav’s Torah words, writings, and guidance. We understand that there’s a certain process which is happening to the social situation of the world. On one hand, it’s good to be in the truth and not to be found in the darkness of the world without knowing what’s really going on behind all the events. On the other hand, it adds so much pain on our hearts, for ourselves and for Klal Yisrael, over the situation we are in now. Why should we be informed what the truth is if it’s going to cause us so much pain? And from where can we draw out simcha (joy) in such shaky times that we’re in?


It is written in Koheles, “An increase of knowledge is an increase of pain.” The Kotzker Rebbe said: “Woe is to the person who doesn’t want to know anything truth, because he doesn’t want to have more pain.”
It is necessary for a person to know about the situation we are in, so that he can be saved from harm. Because if he doesn’t know the situation he is in, he is like a blind person walking in the dark near the bank of a river….
Knowing the truth about the situation in our world today certainly adds a lot of pain to us. It is part of joining with the pain of the Shechinah, as Chazal speak about.
Joy has to mainly come from an internal and deep connection that one has to his special part in ruchniyus in general and to being close to Hashem specifically, from the emunah peshutah that Hashem is running His world and that it is all for the good.