I Disagree With The Rav’s Entire Approach [#15670]

October 9, 2021


I have been listening to the Rav and learning the sefarim for over 6 years and I understand very well what the Rav says. (I don’t think I’ve reached my Yechidah yet.) I’ve reached the conclusion that although the Rav’s Divrei Torah goes incredibly deep and while it’s clear that the Rav is trying to help Klal Yisrael, I still think that the Rav’s teachings are only applicable to the Rav’s level, and that anyone who tries to “imitate” the Rav is being like Haran who imitated Avraham by jumping into the fire.
The Rav’s Torah has an ongoing theme of a lot of harsh, judging “Gevuros” and “Tzimtzum” - to close yourself off in an inner world and live in one’s own private inner silence. For most people to do this, this is like asking them to die – it’s not an elixir of life that make them more alive, it is basically a poison that would kill them off.
From what I understand, the Rav’s Divrei Torah focuses on all the darkness and concealment of G-dliness that there is on our world, how the generation is so far from feeling Hashem and how bad the world has become. With all due respect to the honor of the Rav, this doesn’t sound anything like what Mashiach ben Dovid will reveal, the light that will come to the world, the G-dliness that will be revealed in the world. Will Mashiach ben Dovid ask everyone to close themselves off in an inner silence and be cut off from the world? That sounds more like the avodah of Mashiach ben Yosef (based on what I understand from the sefarim about the roles of the two different Mashiachs), and yes, Mashiach ben Yosef is first needed in order for Mashiach ben Dovid to do his avodah, but the goal and purpose is the avodah of Mashiach ben Dovid, who will revive the world and bring light into the world. but the Rav’s Divrei Torah makes us focus on darkness and on how G-dliness is so concealed from the world. It’s all about he’elam (concealment, darkness) and not giluy (revelation, light). It doesn’t make us want to jump up and dance and sing and be happy on this world.
Someone who is really kadosh (holy) is someone who knows how to come down to the level of everyone on this world and help them in the place where they are, to show chessed and rachamim on them and shine light on them. We can see that very well in the teachings of Rav Kook, who teaches how to take the quiet d’veykus of the inner and concealed dimension and to make it become revealed to all, to light up life on this world, to live in what that reality truly is, and not to just live in our hopes and fantasies for a better world.
I very much respect the Rav and I hope I’ve been understood. Have a gmar chasimah tova.


Thank you. May you rise and succeed!
Everything you are saying here is true and correct after the Erev Rav will be cut off, and not before that. Before the Erev Rav is destroyed, we are currently in the peak of the 50th gate of tumah which is in control, something which wasn’t around 1 or 2 generations ago. And that results in a major difference, which necessitates a change of direction [on our avodah in this generation].