Path of Rebbi Nachman of Breslev [#15687]

October 9, 2021


The Rav explains that the path of Mashiach ben Yosef is to connect to Hashem through tzaddikim, while the path of Mashiach ben Dovid is to connect to Hashem more directly. However, that is perplexing to me, because there’s a Torah from Rebbi Nachman of Bresslov in which he says that his soul is comprised of both Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben Dovid. On one hand he speaks a lot about hisbodedus which seems to be the path of Mashiach ben Dovid (directly connecting to Hashem) but he also speaks a lot about connecting to the tzaddikim, which is the path of Mashiach ben Yosef.


True. But every tzaddik will always have a particular leaning towards a particular path, and the words of Rebbi Nachman of Bresslov lean more towards the path of Mashiach ben Yosef (connecting to the tzaddikim).