Recent Tragedies of Av & Elul 5781 [#15675]

October 9, 2021


1) Recently there were more bizarre tzaros in Klal Yisrael. Three bochurim killed in a plane crash on the way to Mezbizh for Shabbos. Last week a 19-year old bochur in America was killed in front of his yeshiva. Is this a special calling from Hashem? Or is it all part of the troubles of the End of Days which are to awaken Klal Yisrael to teshuvah?


Everything is calling to us, from all directions. It is screaming to us, that the world cannot continue the way it is now, and the world now is like a dying person whose soul is in the midst of leaving the body.
2) How can we detach ourselves from everything’s that going on this world ?
By recognizing that the world today is like a dying person whose soul is in the midst of leaving his body, and it [the soul], and that we should no longer feel connected to this world anymore.