Kabbalah & Chassidus [#15744]

October 11, 2021


I have seen the Rav’s responses about the order learning pnimiyus haTorah (Kaballah) according to the paths of the Gra and Ramchal and Arizal. When it comes to my learning I enjoy learning Gemara and halachah in-depth, but when it comes to my avodas Hashem I am more drawn towards the path of Chassidus. What is the way to start learning Kaballah according to the path of Chassidus? And at what point should I start learning Kaballah according to the Ramchal and Gra?


1) There is basically no organized Kaballah sefer according to the path of Chassidus. It is important to see the sefarim of R’ Aharon of Strotchele, the student of the Baal HaTanya, who authored the sefer Shaarei HaYichud V’Ha’Emunah. Recently a sefer called Shaarei Hishtalshelus came out which organizes and explains it all very well. 2) Chassidus also makes partial use of the Ramchal’s teachings, and you can see this in the teachings of the Magid of Metzritch (sefer Toras HaMagid). But some sefarim of Chassidus did not agree to the Ramchal’s approach and did not include it in their paths, such as the sefarim of the Kamarner and Ziditchov. To my feeble knowledge, it would be proper to begin learning Kaballah according to the Ramchal and Gra, and only afterwards to begin Kaballah according to Chassidus, because Chassidus is the “addition” upon those previous paths.