Significance of Mikveh & Learning Zohar [#15748]

October 11, 2021


What is the importance of going to the mikveh even for a Litvisheh avreich? Does even a Litvish person also need to go to the mikveh, and if yes, how often? How important is this? Also, does learning Zohar also apply to a Litvish avreich, and if yes, how often?


There is never one way in avodas Hashem, there are many ways. Some of those ways held that going to the mikveh is one of the most important aspects of serving Hashem. The Mesillas Yesharim (ch.18) mentions the practice of those who would “immerse in the frost and snow [to use it as a freezing cold mikveh], which was needed for those doing teshuvah and partially needed for those who wish to practice abstinence, but Chassidus (piety) is not founded on this at all, for only good conduct can be attributed as Chassidus.”
Whenever a person needs to purify his body for Tevilas Ezra reasons [whenever he becomes obligated to immerse due to any of the situations that obligate Tevilas Ezra], it is certainly proper for him to immerse in the mikveh. One should also immerse in the Mikveh on Erev Shabbos and Erev Yom Tov, which is simple to understand. Besides for that, one should try not to go by 3 days without having gone to the mikveh. And when one immerses in the mikveh, he should be doing teshuvah from the depth of his heart.
Regarding learning Zohar, the Chazon Ish said that the mussar sefer which inspires him the most is the sefer Zohar. It is proper to learn the Zohar with the commentary of Matok M’Devash.