October 17, 2021


I have tried thousands of times to start improving in my avodas Hashem and to live my life according to what Hashem wants, yet I still find myself totally broken. My learning and my davening is way below par and I keep falling into doing the biggest aveiros. Is there some small piece of advice that can help me? Maybe there’s a sefer I should learn or maybe there’s something I can to help me begin have some derech in avodas Hashem and overcome my yetzer hora? Or maybe my avodah on this world is to be unsuccessful and to keep falling in to my yetzer hora again and again [and to hold strong in spite of my failures and just keep trying my best]?


Learn 2 halachos a day, and fulfill them, practically speaking. It would also be very important for you to get to become close with a Torah personality and to talk with him, and he should be that you enjoy talking to.