October 19, 2021


In the past the Rav has said that the “Torah world” [the world of yeshivos] has already been destroyed [due to the influences of technology today], and that either one of two things will happen – Either it will be like the situation in Europe before the Holocaust (and it will meet the same end as that generation [chas v’shalom], or, HaKadosh Baruch Hu will prevent this from happening by bringing the Geulah [refer to the Rav’s derasha of Bein HaMitzarim_027_Spiritual Destruction, given in 2017]. Based on the current situation of the world today, does it make more sense that the second option will happen [Hashem will bring the Geulah soon] and therefore we don’t need to be concerned from the decrees that the “Erev Rav” [the Israeli government] are making and we don’t need to be concerned about a possible destruction of the next generation? If I know the answer to this it would make a big difference in my personal avodah.


There is still a lot of reason to suspect that this can happen [that another Holocaust can still happen, chas v’shalom].