What is the most important aspect of avodas Hashem? Is it Torah, Tefillah, emunah, or shemiras haBris (kedushah)? And are these linked with the different paths of Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben Yehudah?
Each Gadol saw one particular major point according to his shoresh (soul root) and held that a particular point was the most important. The emphasis on Torah and shemiras HaBris are both rooted in the path of “Mashiach ben Yosef”, who is the trait of Yesod, which is rooted in Chochmah (Torah) and which is also known as the trait of Yesod-Tzaddik (kedushah, shemiras haBris). The path of “Mashiach ben Dovid” focuses more on tefillah and temimus (earnestness).