November 14, 2021


Why didn’t Yitzchok daven for Rivkah until he saw that she was barren? He had many years to daven for her even before reaching the conclusion that she was barren (which was 10 years of waiting). Can we learn from this that a person can assume that Hashem lets nature run its course and there is no need to daven unless a person is in need of a miracle?


Certainly a person needs to daven at the beginning of every situation. Yitzchok also did so. But later he increased his tefillos even more, because he saw that a greater level was needed in order for them to bear children. As Rashi says, “Vayeetar” means that he greatly increased his tefillos. (See Beraishis Rabah 53:5 and Gur Aryeh ibid.)