November 25, 2021


The Rav always says how we need to live with emes (truth) even though we live in a world of sheker (falsity). How should I view the tzibbur around me which calls itself a “yeshiva” environment but which I feel so disappointed in? I see people davening Shemoneh Esrei in 2 minutes, davening a quick Shacharis in 18 minutes, the shuls have a WhatsApp group, and most people have smartphones, including Talmidei Chachomim, and other such behavior which weakens my own resolve when I see all this going on in a Torah environment?


You need to see a “clear world” in front of you, in which you can see clearly what’s emes and what’s sheker. Examine what the emes is, according to your understanding, and do so pleasantly and joyously. All the time, sharpen your understanding of the truth, but with a feeling of pleasantness and joy.
It is better to look less at what’s around you and not to analyze people. Hashem sees into the hearts of people and what they truly are, and we cannot discern the level of others with our own eyes. You need to search for the truth solely in your own personal life, so you should not be busy with trying to see if others are living truthfully or not. You should be happy with what you’ve reached so far, and daven that all of Klal Yisrael should reach the emes as per Hashem’s will.