December 24, 2021


The Rav explained the corona was like the plague of darkness, and recently the Rav said that now we are entering a bridging stage between “darkness” and “smiting of the firstborn”, with all the heads of the world being knocked down, and that the ten plagues in Egypt corresponded to the 10 Sefiros, and so will the ten plagues in the world before Mashiach comes correspond to each of the 10 Sefiros. According to that, corona corresponded to Chochmah and the current “striking down of the heads” corresponds to Keser, but the Rav had said that corona corresponded to Keser d’Keser (the final stage within the revelation of Keser), so I’m a bit confused, can the Rav clarify this better for me? And how do we see a striking down of firstborn in the world now?


It is all one matter. The “coldness” represented by corona (corona/kor/kerirus/cold) is the cessation of every head or the end of every beginning point in the world. Every head (beginning point) is a new movement, a heat, whereas the cold cancels out new beginnings and stops any movement. Everything is falling apart from where it begins, and this is all that’s falling apart in the world now. These are not simply branching outcomes that are falling apart, these are the very roots of the world that are falling apart. But it cannot be clearly and openly seen yet.