December 24, 2021


Shalom to the Rav shlit”a. I want to know, when the Rav answers and gives guidance to a questioner, is it usually an answer that’s only for the individual asking the question, or is it an answer that can be used by the tzibbur (public) and it’s a general guidance on how a person should act and it’s not just a private ruling given to the one asking the question? It makes a big difference if the answer to a question would apply to another person who has the same exact question or issue, or if each person needs to ask his question individually to the Rav even if the Rav already gave an answer to the question, because perhaps the answer changes depending on the individual’s particular circumstances. Can everyone make use of the Rav’s answers on the same level (if they have the very same question as the one who is asking the question) or does each person need to ask the same question to the Rav and receive his own answer from the Rav, even if the Rav already answered the very same question which someone else asked?


In most cases the answer is for general use, and there are a few cases where the answer is only for the individual asking the question. This is one of the reasons why the same question can get different answers.