December 24, 2021


Can the Rav specify for me any sefarim (which may include either chassidus or Kaballah) which correspond to a specific soul level, and how one can ascend to that level? From what I understand, the sefer Tanya explains how a person can rise from the level of nefesh habehaimis (animal soul) to the level of nefesh Elokis (G-dly soul), but I don’t know anything more than that.


The following are just examples. There are many different sefarim which correspond to the different soul levels, and this is because each of the five levels of the soul (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah, Chayah and Yechidah) have five subdivisions [i.e. Nefesh D’Nefesh. Nefesh D’Ruach, etc.].
The spiritual growth at the level of the nefesh habehaimis is the main, underlying theme of what the mussar sefarim are coming to explain.
The higher level of the nefesh [the nefesh Elokis] is reached through observing all of halachah, as explained in Shulchan Aruch and its commentaries.
The “Ruach” level of the soul is depicted in the sefer Yesod V’Shoresh HaAvodah.
The “Neshamah” level of the soul is depicted in the Torah teachings of the Rebbe the Rashab, and also in the Torah teachings of Reb Chaim of Brisk.
The “Chayah” level of the soul is depicted in the Torah teachings of Reb Pinchos of Koritz [i.e. sefer Imrei Pinchos].
The “Yechidah” level of the soul is called razin d’razin, “secret of secrets”, a level of Torah which unifies together the secret meaning with the simple meaning of Torah, as well as the secret dimension of Torah with halachah. This level is often mentioned in the Zohar, mainly in the Tikkunei HaZohar. It is also spread out in the works of the Gra and in the works of chassidus, and in sefer Taamei HaMitzvos of the Arizal, as well as sefer Toldos Yaakov, and in the sefer of the Shelah HaKadosh entitled Dimua B’Mitzvos.
On a deeper level, the “secret of total oneness” (echad) is the source of the light of unity (ohr ha’achdus), which will unify the secret dimension of understanding in Torah (sod) with the simple, surface dimension of Torah (pshat).