December 24, 2021


I was divorced twice already and I am about searching for a prospective marriage partner for what will be my 3rd marriage, b’ezras Hashem. Whenever a match is suggested to me, there are people who badmouth me. How should I look at this? What is my avodah in this situation and is there anything I can do so that I won’t despair chas v’shalom from getting married again?


The Chazon Ish was asked about such a case and he answered that a person needs to have emunah, that if the shidduch is not meant for him, others will say bad things about him and prevent the shidduch, and if the shidduch is indeed for him, it will be made by someone who is interested in his good and there won’t be obstacles holding back the shidduch. One needs to strengthen the emunah that everything is ordained by Hashem, and at the same time one should also work on himself and take care of the reasons that caused his first marriages to fall apart.