December 24, 2021


There are many stories of Gedolim in Klal Yisrael who were confident in their abilities to perform miracles, throughout the generations all the way until our times. At what point does a tzaddik become confident in his abilities? A person begins to learn Torah, he keeps learning it diligently and he gains holiness - but when he does reach the point where he can perform miracles? How exactly does it happen?


1. From having experience in succeeding. 2) Either because he received a guarantee [from a reliable source] that he can perform miracles, or because he was told by a certain spiritual force (koach ruchni) that he has certain miraculous powers. 3) He feels a feeling of confidence that comes from within himself, as the Chazon Ish writes in sefer Emunah U’Bitachon, regarding the subject of [being confident in having] bitachon.