January 11, 2022


I believe that 3 things are destroying our generation today [in particular, the children growing up in today’s generation]: The internet, candy [sweet sugary foods], and music that puts people in a trance. Do all of these things have a common denominator? And if yes, how can we protect our children especially from these things? And if the answer is to develop a holy sense of pleasure that will counteract these things, then how exactly do we develop it and teach it?


The pull towards the internet is a pull that goes beyond logic and reason. Candy/sweets is not the issue of candy/sweets per se, it is the desire to experience pleasure in general. Music that puts people in a trance represents the loud, jolting culture of the world today in general, which modern-day music is just an example of.
The repair for all of these things is to connect to the dimension beyond logic and reasoning: to a holy sense of pleasure [pleasure in the spiritual, in a connection with Hashem]: to reach hashkatah (sheket), to become inwardly calm and serene.