EXILE AGAIN [#18441]

January 11, 2022


Is it true that we will become enslaved again as we were in Egypt? If yes, what kind of servitude will it be? And are there any sources for this?


In Egypt we were enslaved to the Egyptians, and the Erev Rav was there. Now we are exiled to the Erev Rav themselves, and that is the slavery and servitude we are in – it is a servitude to the rule of the Erev Rav over us. This is what the Gra has written, and see sefer HaTekufah B’Saaras Eliyahu [of R’ Elya Weintraub zt”l].
I work so hard at learning and davening and doing mitzvos and training myself to do chessed for others and to improve myself, and to identify with my neshamah, and it’s all so that I can have a genuine relationship with Hashem. It seems that most people just aren’t into this. And, not only that, but most people I know are involved with doing very bad things. Does Hashem see the few of us who are trying so hard to live our lives in the right way according to His ratzon, when most people aren’t interested in living their lives for ratzon Hashem and many people even have businesses and interests that are the antithesis to the Torah? Is it only in Olam HaBa (in the World To Come) where we will see the difference between those who lived their lives according to Hashem’s will and those who didn’t? Or maybe it’s only individuals on this world who are clearly apart from the majority, since tragedies and hard times are befalling the world due to the way that most people act (who aren’t living their lives in accordance with Hashem’s will)….?
The Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim, III, in perek 51 - 53 discusses this a lot, and the Rambam there explains that the more a person is davuk (attached) to Hashem, the more protection he gains from Hashem, and he will be saved more from tragedies, even on this world. This is called Hashgacha Peratis (Divine Providence) and it is different with each person depending on what his personal level is. And Chazal said: “Hashem is your shadow” – Just as you exist to Him, so will He exist for you” [The more you think of Hashem, the more He will protect you. See sefer Nefesh HaChaim shaar III.]