January 11, 2022


1) Is it true that Dasan and Aviram kept making trouble for Moshe l’sheim shomayim (they meant for the sake of Heaven) because they wanted to perfect Moshe’s soul?


At the root, everything is good and leads to something good. At the root of their souls, Dasan and Aviram had such good intentions. But, their soul roots extended onto this world in a way that led to evil, where their intentions were evil. Sefer Megaleh Amukos explains how Dasan was rooted in holiness, but he became ruined. See also sefer HaLikutim (Toldos) and Rema m’Pano (83).
2) Are Dasan and Aviram part of the Erev Rav or were they part of Klal Yisrael?
Any two extremes will always one have one middle point between them. Dasan and Aviram were the connecting point between Klal Yisrael and the Erev Rav. Moshe wanted to fix the Erev Rav, who are equal in gematria to daas, as the Arizal teaches, and daas is the trait of Moshe. That is why there was able to be a rebellion against the daas of Moshe from within the Jewish people, via Dasan and Aviram. Sefer Avodas Yisrael (parshas Shemos) brings from the Arizal that Dasan and Aviram were the kelipah to Moshe and Ahron on the side of holiness. Sefer Arvei Nachal (parshas Korach) says that Dasan and Aviram were from the two back parts of Moshe’s soul.
3) Why did Reuven deserve the punishment of having Dasan and Aviram as his grandchildren?
Because he switched around his father’s bed, which caused mixing and confusion, enabling this mixture (Dasan and Aviram, who mixed Erev Rav with Klal Yisrael) to enter into Klal Yisrael.
4) Why did Moshe think that Klal Yisrael doesn’t deserve to be freed from Egypt just because of Dasan and Aviram? Why should these 2 wicked people ruin it for everyone?
Because they connected Klal Yisrael with the Erev Rav. See Vayikra Rabbah 4:6.
5) Did Dasan and Aviram reach their tikkun?
Sefer Tziyuni (parshas Vayeshev) says that Dasan and Aviram cannot be raised from the pits they fell into.
However, sefer Magen Dovid says that they have a tikkun through the level of Binah.
The sefer Emek HaMelech says that Yehudah ben Garim, who tried to kill Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, was a soul reincarnation of Dasan and Aviram. See Sefer HaLikutim, parshas Korach.
There is a verse that says that the earth swallowed Dasan and covered Aviram, so they were each punished in a different way.
The Rema m’Pano says that Dasan and Aviram were reincarnated as Doeg and Achitofel, and were later reincarnated as the two bulls that Eliyahu sacrificed on Mt. Carmel [by the showdown against the false prophets of the Baal], and Dasan was the “stronger” one from the two. Shaar HaGilgulim (hakdamah 39) says that part of the sparks of the souls of Dasan and Aviram were repaired in the soul of Rebbi Gamliel. The Rema m’Pano says that Dasan and Aviram were repaired when they were swallowed by the ground.
6) Which evil characteristics do Dasan and Aviram represent?
Rema m’Pano says that Dasan was the main instigator, and Aviram was dragged after him. But the sefer HaLikutim says that Dasan’s soul was more refined, whereas Aviram was coarser and toughened his heart. The sefer Ohr L’Shomayim (parshas Korach) says that Dasan was impaired din/gevurah, while Aviram was impaired chessed, and the ruined side of the chessed of Avraham (hence the connection between the names of Aviram and Avraham).
Dasan is first hinted to in the word “Dosanah”, the city where the tribes went to, which led to the dissension of the brothers versus Yosef [hence Dasan and Aviram were rooted in machlokes/dissension, in “Dosanah” where the dissension of the brothers with Yosef took place]. Chazal (Nedarim 64b) said that whenever the Torah speaks about people fighting and gathering together for a rebellion, it is referring to Dasan and Aviram.
The sefer Toldos Yaakov Yosef (parshas Bo) explains how Dasan and Aviram were really opposites of each other, and elsewhere (parshas Pinchos) he explains how are Dasan and Aviram manifest in the soul.