January 11, 2022


I’m learning for half a year already about bitachon and I really want to acquire bitachon very much. I am prepared to spend a half hour every learning about bitachon for many more years so that I can attain this goal. What is the best way for me to get to my goal of acquiring bitachon?


The series “Actualizing Your Faith” (Da Es Bitchoncha) explains about this subject, and if you have any questions on these lessons, I will try to answer them, with siyata d’shmaya. Along with this, you should learn sefer Madreigas HaAdam, especially the chapter about bitachon. You should also learn about bitachon in the sefer Shomer Emunim. Practically speaking, each day you should practice having bitachon in Hashem when it comes to a small thing, and don’t do any hishtadlus (effort) when it comes to that area. Or, at least minimize your hishtadlus in that area, from an awareness that you are trying to work on your bitachon. Furthermore, it is appropriate to clarify the entire spectrum of this subject. Learn all the sources for bitachon in Chumash, Mishnayos, Gemara, Rishonim and Acharonim, as much as you are able to. Organize all the material in a notebook, as if you are trying to prepare for print as a sefer. This will help you become immersed in it, consistently and fundamentally, as you study this part of Torah and apply it to your avodah. It will also give you increased clarity on the topic, and it will also give you the gain of both learning and practicing it together.
Yasher Koach to the Rav for the advice about bitachon which I asked the Rav for, which I have started to practice. The Rav advised that each day I should practice having bitachon in Hashem when it comes to a very small thing and not to do any hishtadlus (effort) in that area. I have a couple of questions.
1) Does this mean that if I have bitachon and I don’t do any hishtadlus, then I will get what I’m having bitachon about? For example, if I want something small and I have bitachon that I will get it, will it definitely come to me, simply because I am having bitachon in Hashem?
1) There are two approaches about bitachon. One approach is that one can have bitachon that a certain thing will definitely happen, when he trusts in Hashem that it will happen. Another approach is that one can have bitachon that whatever happens is only what Hashem wants to happen, and that everything that happens is for a person’s good. Generally a person needs to begin having bitachon with the second approach.
(2) Also can the Rav give examples of having bitachon when it comes to a “small” thing?
An example of having bitachon when it comes to a small thing is: (1) I have bitachon that I will make the bus (that is, if I leave with enough time to get to the bus stop on time). (2) I have bitachon that I will fall asleep and get the right amount of sleep that I need so I can have enough energy for tomorrow and to do what I need to do.
(3) Also, is this approach of having bitachon when it comes a small thing and not doing any hishtadlus, a matter which depends on how to understand bitachon? Is the Rav following a certain approach of bitachon or is this according to all views on bitachon?
Same as answer to the first question.
(4) What do I need to think when I am having bitachon about a small thing that I want? And how can I avoid falling into delusions from this?
4) Have bitachon that only Hashem runs every single last detail, and that everything He does is for my good.