January 11, 2022


1) Sometimes Hashem pays back a rasha for any mitzvos he did on this world, and he rewards him nicely on this world so that he will lose Olam HaBa. But isn’t there a rule that “there is no reward for a mitzvah on this world”, because mitzvos are eternal and therefore they can’t be rewarded for on this world (and also because the true place of reward is the Next World and not on this world)?


“A man according to his praise.” If one valued mitzvos only with a physical perspective, doing the mitzvos shelo lishmah and because he wanted wealth or honor – which is a bridging level between the physical and the spiritual – he may get that on this world, as R’ Chaim Volozhiner taught.
2) What is a rasha? Someone who tried to keep Torah but fell into aveiros, does that mean that anything good he has on this world is all an exchange for his reward in the next world because Hashem is just paying him back on this world so that he won’t get rewarded in the next world?
A rasha means he is deserving of kares (soul excision), meaning that his soul is cut off from its root, because it is so attached to this material world and all of his desires and wishes are for this material world, as taught by Rabbeinu Yonah.
3) There was a tzaddik who said that it’s worth it for him to come into the world and do every aveirah in the world even if he can get to fulfill the smallest mitzvah, because a person is eventually purified from his aveiros, but the reward for even the smallest mitzvah is endless. How does that work out with the fact that wicked people are rewarded only on this world?
In such a case, the person isn’t completely attached to materialism, it is just that he has fallen and he is pained by his fall.
4) The Rav has said that chas v’shalom those who don’t give up Internet before the Geulah will not be zocheh to the Geulah. How does that work out with the fact that there were tzaddikim who said that they can bring the Geulah in their time and it’s just that there were souls in the generations who didn’t yet receive their tikkun and therefore these tzaddikim chose to push off the Geulah? It is told of R’ Mordechai of Chernobyl, and of the Ramchal as well, that together with their students they meditated on yichudim for a long amount of time in order to bring Mashiach, and on Musaf of Yom Kippur tey heard a noise, and it was the Samae”l (S”M) who was coming to prevent Mashiach, and it told them that if they bring Mashiach now, there will be souls who won’t be by the Geulah, so the Ramchal pushed off all his efforts to bring Mashiach and postponed it. And I saw brought from the Chofetz Chaim who said that we should inform everyone that when Mashiach comes everyone will reach their tikkun, because no Jew will be left behind. So why is the Rav saying that not everyone will be by Mashiach? Also, if there were neshamos that didn’t reach their tikkun in the times of the Ramchal and that is why the Ramchal didn’t want to bring the Geulah, what did they gain, if the situation today is much worse and there are far more neshamos who are doing much worse than in previous generations and they aren’t reaching their tikkun?
The higher parts of the soul will merit the Redemption, because “All of Yisrael have a portion in the World To Come”. Those who lose out on the World To Come forever and remain outside of it essentially refers to the lower, less refined parts of the soul. Also, additional parts of people’s souls have already been sifted since then, and now only those parts which haven’t been sifted remain, to be sifted. This is the final sorting process!