January 11, 2022


During these times we can actually feel how the end is near. From what I’ve heard from Rabbonim, we are slowly seeing with our own eyes how this is happening. All of the news I hear is terrifying to me, though I am trying really hard to disconnect from all media, and I am hearing enough from the people I meet and speak with. 5G tracking technology is everywhere, and it’s directly in front of my house. And there are other things too. How should I view all of this in the proper way? And what does the Rav recommend I should so? Every time I hear the latest news development, it drains me, whenever I think about the current state of affairs.


Repeat to yourself the emunah peshutah, the simple belief, that Hashem does everything that and that He will do everything, and that there is no force which has any power in the world except for Him. This is discussed in sefer Nefesh HaChaim shaar III. By reviewing these facts, you will be “moving” all the time near the Creator and with the Creator, instead of “moving” all the time with all the human beings on the world. This is the way a true, inner life looks like, for anyone who seeks truth.