January 11, 2022


After Mashiach comes, what will be the “final test” of the generation? Will it be that Hashem will let His voice be heard and each person will decide if he is prepared to listen to the voice of Hashem even though he knows he will die from it (like by Har Sinai), or will each person tell Hashem that he would rather hear the voice of Mashiach so that he won’t die? If I have understood correctly from a derasha of the Rav that this will be the final test, what will happen to a person who doesn’t want to hear directly the word of Hashem? If one doesn’t pass this test, will he remain alive and he will just be on a lower spiritual level than those who heard Hashem’s voice, or will only those who hear Hashem’s voice will remain alive for the Redemption, while everyone will not remain…?


That will be the inner aspect of the final test, but it won’t necessarily appear that way. The final test may appear differently. The most spiritual parts of our being will remain to experience the Redemption, and all other parts of our being which are not as spiritual will be able to experience the Redemption only to the extent that we have underdone bittul (self-nullification) in those parts of our being. The process of bittul (self-nullification) will actually continue until the end of the tenth century. Refer to sefer Daas Tevunos (88) and onward.