January 11, 2022


1) Was there any sefer in Klal Yisrael that contains an all-inclusive, comprehensive approach in serving Hashem? Or did every tzaddik hold that his way of avodas Hashem was a comprehensive approach in serving Hashem?


Mesillas Yesharim was authored by the Ramchal, whose soul was Rebbi Akiva, whose name was Akiva ben Yosef – the secret of “Mashiach ben Yosef”.
2) Is the Rav’s approach (explained in the “Bilvavi” sefarim and in the other sefarim and shiurim of the Rav) a comprehensive approach to avodas Hashem that includes all the ways of avodas Hashem?
In the End of Days, there are illuminations of Mashiach ben Dovid readily available, and even before Mashiach ben Dovid comes, the illuminations of Mashiach ben Dovid are shining strongly. The path explained in my sefarim and shiurim are not really “my” approach - it is just tapping into the perspective that Mashiach ben Dovid will reveal to the world [how to have a real relationship with Hashem, and how to take from all of the existing paths in our avodas Hashem].
3) It seems that the most popular sefarim in Klal Yisrael are Mesillas Yesharim, Tanya, and Likutei Moharan. Is these because these sefarim were written for the entire Klal Yisrael and that they are applicable to each Jew, as opposed to other sefarim, which are not for everyone to learn?
Mesillas Yesharim is a practical sefer for the entire Klal Yisrael. The other sefarim you mentioned [Tanya and Likutei Moharan] are the hidden roots of “inner” avodas Hashem [so they are not for everyone].