(1) Up until the last few decades, people could go to great Rabbonim and Mekubalim to do tikkunim for them, or to have them daven special tefillos for them. But today this is almost non-existent. How can we manage without this when this had always been a central aspect of life?
(2) How can a person achieve a tikkun (soul-repair) today and remove all the things that are holding him back? Of course we all know that a person need to daven a lot, but many times a person can daven a lot and he doesn’t see any changes, and we know of many stories of people who davened a lot and one day they go to a certain Rav who saved them in a short amount of time, or the Rav tells them what their real issue is, etc. In today’s times, where we don’t have this, how can a person get a yeshuah?
(2) How can a person achieve a tikkun (soul-repair) today and remove all the things that are holding him back? Of course we all know that a person need to daven a lot, but many times a person can daven a lot and he doesn’t see any changes, and we know of many stories of people who davened a lot and one day they go to a certain Rav who saved them in a short amount of time, or the Rav tells them what their real issue is, etc. In today’s times, where we don’t have this, how can a person get a yeshuah?
(1) Chazal already said (Sotah 49b) of the final generation, the ikvesa d’meshichah (the footsteps before Mashiach) that “We will have no one to rely on except for our Father in Heaven.” That is the main avodah of the generation today – to rely primarily on Hashem.
(2) First a person should fix whatever he knows he knows he needs to fix. After doing that properly, he will be awakened by Shomayim (Heaven) to fix whatever else he needs to fix.
(2) First a person should fix whatever he knows he knows he needs to fix. After doing that properly, he will be awakened by Shomayim (Heaven) to fix whatever else he needs to fix.