March 4, 2022


1) Is it appropriate for every person to learn sefer Leshem? And if yes, are there are any conditions that are necessary before learning this sefer?


The condition needed [to learn sefer Leshem] is that one needs to live a lifestyle that is far from tumah (depravity of today) and drawing close to kedushah.
2) There are 3 parts to sefer Leshem – The Sefer Hakdamos V’Shearim, The Sefer HaBiurim, and the Sefer HaDeah. What is the right order to learn sefer Leshem in?
Start sefer Leshem with learning Sefer Hakdamos V’Shearim. Then move onto Sefer HaBiurim. Not everyone can learn Sefer HaDeah, which are long expositions that not every mind can handle. Any of the topics learned in Sefer HaBiurim should be completed by learning those corresponding parts in Sefer HaDeah which explain them more, but one should only learn it according to his capabilities.
3) If one is beginning to learn Kaballah, can he start with learning sefer Leshem or does he first need to learn other Kaballah sefarim as an introduction to this?
Learning Kaballah must begin with learning (1) Sefer Otzros Chaim, and also Sefer Pischei Shearim of Reb Eizik Chever. (2) Then one should learn Eitz Chaim and with the commentaries of Shemen Sasson and Yafeh Shaah (at the very least). (3) After that, one can learn Leshem Sefer HaBiurim.

4) Are there any commentaries on the sefer Leshem which the Rav recommends to learn?
I am not aware of them.
5) Why did the Chazon Ish say that the Leshem was the last Mekubal? Weren’t there Mekubalim who came after him, such as the Sulam (Rav Ashlag), Baba Sali, R’ Shalom Sharabi, R’ Yitzchok Kaduri, and others?
The Leshem was the last Mekubal whom the Chazon Ish recognized in his times, because the Leshem formulated a more detailed explanation of the words of the Mekubalim before him. However, the Sulam developed an entirely new approach. After him, there were no other new views in Kaballah and there have only been Mekubalim, but not new views in Kaballah.