March 4, 2022


There’s a lot of reason to suspect that the entire “corona pandemic” is all hype, which is manipulating everyone into taking the corona vaccine (which is new and which has its many possible dangers). In spite of the newness of the vaccine, everyone is running to take it, because they are so desperate to be saved from coronavirus, and they are not even willing to hear the other side of the story, that this vaccine has its dangers. And it’s not even clear if the vaccine helps at all. All of the information we have about the benefits of the vaccine and all of the “positive corona tests” we are told about is all coming from evil people, who are just trying to scare the world from this seemingly ‘terrifying’ coronavirus epidemic, so that everyone will be psychologically motivated into taking the vaccine, when it really makes no sense to do so. It seems that we are living in times of total uncertainty and darkness. Why are we viewing all of the dangers about the vaccine as nothing but a conspiracy theory? Shouldn’t we be taking this situation very seriously? What does Hashem really from us in this situation? Shouldn’t we be doing everything in our power and to create an awareness in the world that the vaccines will put 5G tracking technology in everyone that will overturn our world completely as we know it, creating a new society? Why is this not a concern to most people? Doesn’t Hashem want us to make a cheshbon hanefesh on why He has had to bring us into such a terrifying situation with such dangers like this?


Due to a few reasons, I have recently gone through all of the material on this subject that was sent to me, and I even reviewed it several times, and after that I wrote several responses on this topic. This was in addition to reading through all of the additional material on the subject, from carefully researching the scope of the matter, just as with any other matter, which needs to be clarified from all of its angles, in the proper frame of mind.
I want to make clear that Chazal have already taught, that in every generation, our enemies rise up to destroy us. And in this generation, they are rising up against us, both on a spiritual level, through their influences of the Shaar HaNun d’Tumah (the 50th and worst level of impurity), as well as on a physical level, and included in this is the medical world, of whom the Steipler said about that we are found in a galus (exile) of the doctors. And ever since, this “exile of the doctors” upon us has only gotten worse for us, because it is an institution of lies, money, power, glory, and other self-serving motivations they have. And therefore, we need to work very hard at strengthening our bitachon (our trust and confidence) in Hashem, and to feel less confident in the medical world. Therefore as a general rule, we should keep as far away as possible from the entire medical world, and we should only turn to them when we have no choice or when there is a strong necessity to use them.
Regarding our current situation [with the corona vaccine], anyone who is in substantial danger [from the virus] should take the vaccine, because the danger for him will be greater if he doesn’t take the vaccine. There is certainly an existing danger in taking the vaccine, but it is a much smaller danger than not taking it [for one who is in danger from the virus].
We should know that in general, every topic has opposing views from all different angles, from one extreme to another. The medical world is no different. Therefore, we need to see all of the different views and then we can acquire an expansive and broad knowledge on the topic. That is always the way of the Torah, and that is how the Gedolim acted throughout the generations.