Joy & Serenity [#18757]

March 4, 2022


How do we reach simchah (joy)? There seems to be so many conditions that are needed in order to find true simchah – we need to find our “true portion in Torah”, we need to utilize our potential (which can take so long and which may be a lifelong task), and we also need to have emunah, bitachon and a positive outlook. It seems that there’s a very long path to take in order to get simchah. Is there a shortcut to reach simchah? Or will it be impossible to have a deep feeling of simchah unless we reach our special part in Torah and we utilize our potential?


It is a long way to reach true simchah, but one has to be happy already now with whatever he has reached (someiach b’chelko). One also needs to be happy with even the smallest point that there is to be happy about, for one can always find the light of Hashem that shines in even the smallest point that can make him happy.
Does simchah correspond to the Yechidah level of the soul? If yes, how can that be, if the Yechidah level of the soul is also described as menuchah (serenity), and the Rav explains that menuchah and simchah are actually opposite feelings?
The Yechidah corresponds to the faculty of ratzon (the will) in the soul. Simchah is the surrounding light of the Yechidah which equally surrounds the Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah, and Chayah layers of the soul.
Menuchah (serenity) is when the will is nullified. Both menuchah and simchah correspond to Keser, but within Keser there are two levels: Arich and Atik. The ratzon aspect of Yechidah corresponds to Arich of Keser, while the menuchah aspect of the Yechidah corresponds to Atik of Keser. Simchah is the surrounding light of the Yechidah which equally surrounds the Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah and Chayah of the soul (as mentioned above).