April 5, 2022


How can we get a child to feel satisfaction from what he or she does? How do we uncover a child’s strengths? And how do we give a genuine compliment to a child that will make the child feel good about himself?


Get to know the child’s personality and strengths, not just how the child acts and what he does. In order to do this, you need to get to know the child by observing what he does and how he expresses himself. For example, take note of how energetic the child is, what he’s like when he gets angry, and what makes him happy, etc. You can know this by learning about the 4 elements in the soul and how they are expressed in one’s behavior.
And you also need to compliment a child whenever you notice his particular good points, by giving a genuine compliment to the child about the quality that the child has, without adding anything else to the compliment, just stating the pure truth – for example, if the child cleans and tidies up well, say “You clean so nicely”, and don’t add anything else to the compliment.