April 5, 2022


1) There’s a well-known principle of Chazal that Hashem doesn’t send someone a nisayon (test or challenge) that he can’t handle. Why then are people who commit suicide? And, alternatively, what about when people need to take pills or when they feel like they don’t have any energy to deal with anything?


Because that is what they have “chosen.” Their difficult feelings that they feel are part of their challenge. This is like what happened with Acher (the sage Rabbi Elisha ben Avuya, who later abandoned the Torah and became a heretic), who was tested when he heard the heavenly voice proclaim, “Everyone can repent, except for Acher.” The Baal Shem Tov explained that part of his challenge was this discouraging message that he heard from the Heavenly voice, which told him that he can’t do teshuvah.
2) Sometimes we see people who have far more nisyonos than others. Their challenges seem to be much more difficult than the average person’s. What is the explanation of this? Is it because Hashem gives more rebuke to those whom He loves more? Is it a tikkun (soul-repair) for a previous lifetime for that person’s neshamah ?
That is true. Their suffering has been allotted to become their personal portion. This can either be coming as a result of effects of the primary root of evil which preceded even the six days of Creation, or it has become their portion due to Adam’s sin of eating from the Eitz HaDaas, or it became their portion due to previous lifetimes.
3) And what about children who were abused, either emotionally, physically, spiritually, or sexually? How can any of these situations be good for them when they will continue throughout their lives?

It is part of their nisayon, to gain a tikkun as they continue to grow and mature. Each case is unique in how we can see the good in it.